We are open July 4th and other major holidays!
We are open July 4th and other major holidays!
At the office of Aaron Dental & Orthodontics, we provide skilled and experienced care to improve the alignment and function of smiles in children, teens, and adults.
The importance of taking care of your appliances
Whether a patient is wearing conventional braces, clear aligners, or other types of orthodontic appliances, a successful outcome of care depends upon maintaining good oral hygiene and taking care not to lose or break orthodontics appliances repeatedly. Of course, not being careful about staying away from hard and sticky foods, or engaging in harmful oral habits such chewing on ice, pencils, or fingernails can result in frequently broken appliances as well as delay the course the treatment. However, even for patients who are most diligent about taking care, an occasional orthodontic emergency can arise.
The most common type of orthodontic emergencies include:
While many of the above orthodontic issues might cause discomfort or distress, there, it’s essential also to be mindful of problems that require urgent care. If either you or your child are receiving orthodontic treatment and start to experience severe pain, develop significant swelling, or have sustained an injury to the teeth, the mouth, or jaws, it is essential to get prompt medical and dental attention. Once the extent of a dental injury or infection is determined, it will be treated accordingly. As your trusted partner in care, our office will work with you, or your child’s, medical and dental team to restore oral health and overall well being by adjusting, removing, or replacing any orthodontic appliances as needed.
At the office of Aaron Dental & Orthodontics, we’re dedicated to providing the highest quality of advanced and compassionate orthodontic care. For more information on our office and the many services that we provide, give us a call today.